Thursday, February 27, 2020

Non-filming pt 2

   Hello blog. For the trifecta, I have also not started blogging again. Of course, I'll get it filmed this weekend. I scheduled off of work this weekend so I'm ready to start filming. I have been really busy lately with a lot of homework so I finished all my homework for this week so I had nothing to worry about for the weekend. I'm not as worried because I know I will get a good amount filmed. We don't need all of it filmed, we just need some so we the group we are peer editing with has something to grade. So today, I texted my sister asking her to order a prop for me. I needed her to order cause she has amazon prime and I needed it by this weekend. So I sent her what I needed and she started laughing really hard cause I sent her a ski mask. I thought it was funny as well cause it was weird that I needed a ski mask. Even though she was skeptical, she ordered it.I wanted a hot pink one but i sadly forgot to mention that so she got black. It'll be here tomorrow! This is why I love amazon prime, it comes so quick. I'm excited to start filming and get this over with. All of the stress is building up for my Aice classes. This one isn't that bad though, the only bad part is me getting it done last minute. After the peer review, i'll be getting the rest finished as soon as possible. Down below is a picture of what I ordered. See you guys in the next ACTUAL filming blog!

Monday, February 24, 2020

Non filming blog

Hey blog. So i haven’t started the blog still. I have been very busy lately with work and school. I have a million tests to take this week and i had a lot of homework. I was also at work all weekend. After work i’m drained from walking around all day and party hosting.  I think some day this week i will start to film at least the first part of my movie. I think i’d be able to start the opening scene even if my partner isn’t available. With the help of my friends we can at least get a few seconds in. I’m not as worried though because I know we will have something before the peer review. I don’t really have any concerns for the filming process. the only thing in a little skeptical about is is making the movie a comedy. I feel as if the pressure is on because it can be difficult to make people laugh. Especially people my age. But we’ve made a few jokes on the storyboard so hopefully everything turns out right. If not then that’s the reason we are doing the peer review. The peer review will be very helpful so we can fix our mistakes and make our movie look very good. I’m also excited to see what group we’ve been paired up with. Other than that, the picture i attached below is me fixing a spring at work. see ya later !

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Filming blog (haven’t started)

    Hey blog ! I’m back, it’s been a few days. So sadly my partner and I haven’t been able to start filming. We haven’t been able to start because we have both been busy recently. It may be hard to find a time to start filming that is convenient for us both. But don’t worry, we will most definitely get it started soon. The reason we weren’t able to start was because I had work this whole weekend. I was scheduled at times which were hard to plan around. I think next weekend I will either request off one day or just film during a weekday. Whatever would be better for my partner is what I will end up doing. Im glad we have a peer review on Match 3rd. I think it’s a good idea because now we can’t procrastinate, even though we usually don’t. So me and my partner have both decided that we will not be using a camera this time. We both agreed that there’s a lot of extra steps that we could skip if we simply use our phones. Not only that, but we could easily edit at home using Imovie. Also the camera quality will come out a lot better. I’m both excited and nervous to start filming. I hope everything goes well and we both find time to start. Maybe by the next blog we can start talking about the start of our filming experience. Talking about the next blog, see you then.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Title design blog


The google slide attached shows an outline for our title sequence idea for our movie shoot. This will help us during the editing process so we know hoe to make our titles. The google slide helps us by also making whatever is on it accessible on our mobile phones just in case we forget anything. Using google slides was a good idea and it differs from our last project. It helps everything be more organized and is very good if you're on a time crunch. We really like the google slide addition because it has everything available to us wherever we are especially during the editing process. Now that we have our title sequence idea donet, we can trust we have strong idea and plan for our titles. The google slide can also help you guys understand why we put certain fonts and sizes on words. We are excited that we get to start filming soon! See ya in the next blog.

Schedule, Location, Participants, and Health/Safety Blog

  The google slide attached shows a schedule/planning idea for our movie shoot. This will help us stay on track and on schedule throughout the filming process. The google slide helps us by also making whatever is on it accessible on our mobile phones just in case we forget anything. Using google slides was a good idea and it differs from our last project. It helps everything be more organized and all planned out. We really like the google slide addition because it was everything lined out for us. Now that we have mostly everything planned out, we can begin shooting. The google slide embeded below includes our schedule, the location, participants, and health/safety. We are excited that we get to start filming soon! See ya in the next blog.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Sound and dialogue script

The attached google slide is the dialogue and sound script for the opening of our movie. It includes the multiple conversations between the main characters and numerous diegetic sounds that are heard by the audience. Making this helps the actors to stay along track and to also be used to produce the movie correctly and orderly. The use of the google slide gives us access to it as long as we have a mobile device or laptop. The google slide also helps show the what scenes are what to the producers and/or actors.  The google slide was easy to make and use and went relatively quicker than a storyboard. It was much more enjoyable and made it much quicker than drawing the scenes. Showing this google slide allows the audience to also see how things are expressed in the actual scenes and what is said and meant. We will begin storyboarding soon though and that’s where we really begin to start the process And after that we will begin filming, have a nice day!

Shooting Script

      So today's blog is our shooting script. For our shooting script, we planned it out on google slides.We have a total of 12 slides which include the scenes that will be in our movies.. Each slide has a different scene on it. Today in class, Jeffery and I came up with the shooting script together. We did have a few disagreements about coming up with some parts but we finally agreed on something. We came up with some very good ideas. I think our script is straightforward and I'm excited to see all of this get put together. We also get to start filming soon! See you in the next blog.