Camera Angles:
Common camera angles used in this film are low angles, eye level shots, two shots, and long shots.
Mis En Scene:
The main character, Jason, usually wears what seems ti be baggy clothes like long sleeves and over-sized jackets. Some props used a lot are Jason's phone which he uses to text and get out of certain situations, he has Marty Wolf's phone which he uses to his advantage against Wolf, and Jason's watch. The film is set in Hollywood, California and also has a lot of scenes at Wolf's filming studio.
Editing techniques used in this film are split screens, shot/reverse shot, fade outs, and graphic matches.
Elements in the film: The film consists of many enjoyable/laughable moments. The constant practical jokes played on Wolf are hilarious and unique which sets this movie aside from those like Home Alone. The happy ending where Jason wins his parents' trust again and also gets back his film is expected, but pleasurable. Also many other characters find their happy endings as well as when Wolf's downfall occurs.
Throughout the film certain sounds like diegetic and non-diegetic, dialogue, score (when the pranks begin and during the pranks), voice overs, and ambient sound are used commonly.
Elements I Liked:
Some elements such as the ending made me enjoy the movie because it made a heroic mood for Jason as he took down Wolf and pathed the way for many others to thrive. Another element I liked was the character development of Jason. Making him a pathological liar helps make the film make more sense and why he wrote the paper about a liar.
Elements That Did Not Appeal To Me:
I did not like the character development of the antagonist, Marty Wolf. The film doesn't explain why his business isn't booming and why he had to steal a child's school paper to keep him afloat. It also doesn't explain why he's such a bully to everyone that works for him.

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