Title sequence: The Interview
Viewed on: www.artofthetitle.com
Number of titles: 20
Images that are prioritized: Images seen throughout this title sequence are war-like images that appear that they are from an ethnic group different from the main characters. The sequence shows military actions, missiles, and weirdly basketball in it.
Connotations these images carry: The images may hint that the movie has something to do with war or violence between nations. The different race of people goes to show that the main characters may need to stop that race of people from starting a war against their people.
How the genre is reinforced through technical and symbolic codes: Though there is not much in this sequence that resembles comedic features there are a few bits that can hint towards this. The use of a baby and basketball player image can show a bit of off topic-ness which can prove appealing to some as humor. The Hispanic-like music when images that were described are shown is a bit humorous as well.
How the film sets an enigma: It leaves the audience questioning why these images are being shown. Is there a war the movie is based on? Is there a reason such violent images are being shown? Why is there a war in a movie called The Interview?
Strategies used to appeal the targeted audience: Some strategies used to attract their targeted audience is the use of pictures. The pictures can be viewed as graphic for some which can mean their targeted audience is older in age than most other comedies target for.
How technology was used effectively: The use of editing with pictures is genius because it goes to show what the movie will be about or the setting of the movie. Also the sequence has a lot of jump cuts and burn-ins in it. The sequence also uses the editing of sound (music) to lighten or create a mood for the audience.